Sunday, May 20, 2012


There are short-cuts to happiness, and dancing is one of them. - Vicki Baum
                                                             .......... A very apt saying! DANCE is indeed the food for soul. It is something that can bring a smile to your face in an instant, and can fill your heart with a great joy. The very word floods ur brain with innumerable tunes, and your feet starts tapping. Ta Daa!.. 

But not all of us who dance, are professional dancers. Still we enjoy doing it. Why? Because, its a way of expressing your emotions! Dance can be the language of your love, your joy, even your sorrow. Dance can be your instrument of building up piles of memories. Dance can be a signature of your passion. Dance can be your revitalizing medicine. It can play a lot of roles indeed.

So when do we dance, specifically? Lets explore............

* Sister's marriage --> Bhangra party on Sangeet
* 1st love --> Close dance with your Beloved on the roof, in the rain
* Fresher's night @ college --> Rocking hip-hops with the DJ mix
* Celebration at office --> A Waltz with the team mate
* Idol immersion on Durga Puja --> Dancing at no absolute rhythm
* Long tiring day at school --> Music on, tapping starts
* Cultural function in the community --> A fusion of Kathak and Bharatnatyam
* Painful breakup --> Hours of dancing without any break, to keep the thought away
* Learning is fun --> Just a feet here, and a feet there
* AND SO ON......................

If somebody will ask me why do I dance? I will say, 'I dance to keep my soul alive, to let myself know that I have still some life left in me. I dance to feel happy. I dance to regain my lost being. This is why I dance'.

So, what is your idea of dancing?? :) :)